Online Screen Printing Film Transparencies - Film Output for shirts

Online Screen Printing Film Transparency – Your number #1 source to get premium film outputs for your next screen printing job.

Ordering your new film transparencies is easy and fast. We have the know how to get your film printed fast and accurate. We’ve been printing transparencies for many years and have now made it even easier to get your custom film output online for your next screen printing project. You can choose from any of the available sizes and get it delivered directly to your home easily without the hassle and worrying. Let us do all the hard work for you. Shipping start at only $4.99 for up to 12 films anywhere in the USA.
film transparency for screen printing online

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How to order:

  1. Select a Film Size (8.5″ x 11″, 11″ x 17″ or 13″ x 18″)
  2. Choose the amount of films you will need:
    for example (1 color design = 1 film | 2 color design = 2 films etc.)
  3. Upload your artwork with our artwork uploader
    *you must first choose a size to display the uploader*
  4. Proceed to checkout and pay using PayPal, Visa, MasterCard or Discover

    Optional: You can email your artwork to 

screen printing film output
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Artwork/Design Checklist

To avoid any delay or additional artwork fees on your film output order. Please check the list below.
Artwork fees are $15/hr., so it is recommended that you have your design ready to avoid any fees or delays
  • Artwork should be sent 100% black and white. (The black will be the ink when printed)
  • Verify your artwork is set at the actual size you want it printed.
  • Make sure your jpeg, png, ,psd, ai, pdf, or .bmp file has a resolution of at least 300dpi.
  • All text layers should be rasterized or converted to outlines.
  • Multi-color images should have each color on a separate layer.
Optional: We can help with your films or design for a small fee of $15/hr. You can add this to your cart or we can bill you

How to tell if your artwork is Transparency Film Ready

Easy! Zoom in to your finished artwork. If it shows pixilation similar to the image below, it will need to be saved at a higher resolution. Sometimes the fix is as simple as changing the settings to the highest available options before output. Optionally, you can send us an AI or PSD file. Note: when sending us your Illustrator files, please make sure any text has been converted into outlines.
screen printing artwork resolution example
NOTE: Sending in your artwork does not automatically create an order. Please make sure to place an order prior to emailing your artwork and providing us with your Order # in the Subject Line of your email.